Halloween phase vs Garden Phase

Same or different?


Written (Rebecca May Ferguson , C&R Corallus, 2020)

Same or different?

This is an age old argument that I suspect will never end, but they are very different! Halloween phase falls into the category of garden phase simply because the base colours are “earth tones” just in the same way that both a yellow phase and a red phase both fall into the category of coloured phases. And the differences between the 2 are as easy to see as the differences between a yellow and a red when you know where to look!

** It is NOT orange markings as a neonate that distinguishes a Halloween phase, garden phase can have these highlights also. 

** Head patterning is the single biggest giveaway difference between Halloweens and gardens- Gardens typically display the head stripes with clean, bold patterning central to the top of the head. Versus Halloween phase who show a “confetti” style dashing to the top central aspect of their heads, often as neonates these markings are yellow or orange but will fade to white on an adult animal

** Garden phases can be all shades of earth tones as neonates, halloweens are typically black or very occasionally brown. As adults Halloween phases are almost always a combination of black, grey and white

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